Math Tutoring in
Farragut, West Knoxville & Oak Ridge areas
We’ll help your child develop a strong foundation and
build upon it through individualized, visual and hands-on learning methods.

Not Every Math Experience is Equal
We recognize that each student is unique, with individual strengths and areas for improvement. Our experienced tutors take the time to assess where each student currently stands in their math journey. By understanding their specific needs, we can develop personalized learning plans tailored to close learning gaps and build a solid foundation in math.

From Preschool and Beyond
Our tutoring programs at Calculating Minds are designed to support and enhance school and home learning for students age 4 and up. Our approach closely aligns with Tennessee State Standards, ensuring that our teaching methods are relevant and effective. We focus on teaching fundamental math skills and helping students evolve their thinking about math problems. We most recently launched the Calculating Minds Kit’s Club, which is small group learning for children ages 4 through 6.
Innovative Teaching Methods
We believe that math should be engaging and enjoyable. Our tutors use a variety of innovative methods to approach problem-solving, moving beyond just producing the correct answer. We encourage students to explore different strategies, fostering a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. This approach helps students develop critical thinking skills that are essential for success in math and beyond.
Building Confidence and Motivation

Personalized Program for Your Student

Why Choose Calculating Minds?
If you’re looking for math tutoring in the West Knoxville area, Calculating Minds has instructors able to assist students of all ages through any math problems they’re facing. We provide:

Experienced and Patient Tutors

Aligned with Your Curriculum

Personalized Learning Plans

Innovative Problem-Solving
- K - 8 Tuition(1 lesson per week)$175 - $230/month (4 x per month)
- High School(1 lesson per week)$248 - $318/month (4 x per month)
Family discounts available, ask for details.