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We are thrilled to open the waitlist for our

Calculating Mind Kit's Club!

Kit’s Club is our small group (4-6 students) math learning program for students in Pre- K through 1st grade.  Small group learning yields a host of benefits that pay off not only in the near term, but also throughout your child’s life. While enjoying targeted support in an engaging and collaborative atmosphere, our Little Learners can expect to have fun while learning through the following: 
Engaging Environment
Hands on Learning with interactive activities
Engaging Environment
Experienced educators who are passionate about early childhood education
Engaging Environment
Personalized instruction with rigorous Singapore Curriculum
Engaging Environment
Engaging environment that is positive, stimulating and fun!

Contact us to fuel your child's early development in a loving and supportive environment!  

Please Get My Child On The Waitlist!

Why is small group learning so important early on in my child’s life? 

During the early years of your child’s life, also known as the most formative years in terms of your child’s brain development, research has found that experiences and relationships stimulate your child’s development, creating millions of connections in their brains. YES! Millions! Your child’s brain develops connections faster during the first few years than at any other time in their lives.

Calculating minds body logo
Calculating minds body logo

During this time, your child’s brain grows through touch, talk, sight and sound in early childhood experiences. This is what is called experiential learning, and it begins long before a child steps foot into a classroom. It is strengthened through regular interaction and stimulation in the home and in quality early learning settings.

We humans are social creatures, which makes collaborative environments ideal for learning!

Experiential learning sounds perfect for my child- let's stimulate those brain connections!

How Can I Get My Student On The Waitlist? 

So What Will My Child Learn In Kit's Club? 

kit club pic

As students gather on the colorful math mat they enjoy the featured piece of literature that propels them on an engaging math journey. Our students can expect a variety of mathtivities and movement during each lesson, with plenty of opportunities for peer to peer interaction.  

The chosen literature is the springboard to the math skill presented in the lesson. Kit’s Club students will practice the math skills with songs, mathterpieces (art), gross motor and fine motor activities, hands on materials and games.

kit club math books
dinosaur math fun

Kit’s Club helps our young learners connect math to the real world and builds a bridge between Math & Fun! As we are introducing new concepts we also are sure to reinforce concepts from previous lessons so that our students understand how math builds on itself. In this way our Kit’s Club students are able to develop those critical foundational math skills.  

Okay, okay, you've sold me!

How can I add my child to the waitlist? 

I’m curious - what sort of teaching styles are featured during Kit’s Club? 

Capturing and expanding upon our students’ enthusiasm for math is our goal!

We are constantly reinforcing their progress by acknowledging our Littles’ learning styles. A child’s use of fingers, use of tactile objects or visual aids, and abstract symbols allow our Littles to think through math questions. Asking students to share their thinking throughout the lesson allows us to strengthen their critical thinking skills, while exploring multiple solution paths. All of our lessons are taught in a very positive and supportive way. Having fun with math and building our Littles’ confidence and math fluency is what we do!

Calculating minds body logo

Yes please! I want to build my child's confidence and math fluency!

Let's Get This Party Started!

You mentioned the importance of a “quality” early learning setting- what exactly is that?  

3 d shapes 2 farragut

Aha! We are so glad you asked! A quality early learning setting is exactly what we have created in the Calculating Minds Kit’s Club. Of course, the perfect recipe for a “quality” early learning setting starts with a situation where your child can develop important skill sets including problem-solving skills, the ability to concentrate and memorize, creative thinking skills, and fine motor skills to name a few.

But more than that, we have found that an environment like the one we designed for our Calculating Minds Kit’s Club helps our students to develop their ability to better express themselves both verbally and through facial expression, body language and play.

In short, our stimulating and caring environment found in Kit’s Club gives our young students many ways to play, develop and learn – while having fun!

girl with tape measure

Fun while also doing math? What are you all- miracle workers?? 

Please add my child to the waitlist!

How will your small group learning program help my child later in school and later in life? 

To be frank, the benefits are astounding! Learning math in early childhood significantly boosts executive functioning skills, such as attention, memory, and cognitive flexibility. Engaging in math activities helps children develop the ability to focus, follow multi-step instructions, and think critically. These skills are crucial for academic success and everyday problem-solving. Early math learning enhances logical reasoning and spacial awareness. Overall, math in early childhood is a powerful tool for brain development and lifelong cognitive benefits.

Through our small group settings, our tutors are able to provide targeted support, while fostering deep engagement and cultivating a collaborative atmosphere where every student can thrive!

Calculating minds body logo

Wow, I had no idea we could start building my child's executive functioning skills so early!

Let's kickstart those lifelong benefits!

Why is it called Kit’s Club?   

During Kit’s Club sessions, Kit takes our littles on a fun journey where they learn critical new skills!

kit kat for website

The Kit’s Club mascot, Kit, is a meerkat (get it? Kit the “Kat” – aka our beloved KitKat? We know, we know, it’s clever! Lol But most importantly – our students love Kit and learning in Kit’s Club!). Meerkats are fascinating and social creatures, and have many things to teach our littles about teamwork, caring for each other, and always being willing to lend a helping hand!  

Kit's Club: Step Ahead, & Stay Ahead With Your Child's Early Learning!

This Sounds Perfect For My Little Learner!
  • Kit's Club
    4 to 6 students in a group
    $119 - $159/month
    1 lesson per week

Curious about our Singapore Math Teaching Method?

Contact Us

Our Singapore Math curriculum gives young minds a pathway to early math success, not to mention the cognitive benefits they will receive. This program provides a tremendous investment that will reward your child with later success with all aspects of their academic lives.