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Amy Finch – Owner

“Making math fun and relatable to children makes a life long impact “

Hello. I’m Amy Finch, co-owner of Calculating Minds of Knoxville, your neighborhood math learning center. I have been an educator for many years.  I have taught Pre-K through High School Math. 

I’ve spent my life learning and teaching math at all levels.  I resigned from Loudon County Schools to pursue my dream of having my own math achievement center.  I enjoy working with kids, and I have a deep understanding of the struggles and challenges kids face with math and applying those skills to real world situations. 

I know what motivates them and what will make them feel successful.  I have heard many times that students “hate” math and parents who say “I can’t help them with today’s math.”  We want to help these families.  Our goal at Calculating Minds is to create a love of learning math and help students feel confident and develop a sense of accomplishment as they continue on their own learning path. 

My highest level of degree is Educational Specialist and Administration.   I received my bachelor’s degree from Central Michigan University and did my graduate studies at Lincoln Memorial University.  I am married to my husband Dave, and I have three sons. We recently added two wonderful daughters-in-law.  I enjoy spending time with my family and watching them all grow and discover their own paths and realize their dreams.

Math is cumulative and if a child doesn’t achieve proficiency at each step it can become frustrating. We take the time to understand the gaps and get kids back on track to math success.

    • We know what is being taught in our Local Schools and how it’s being taught.
      We’ve taught in the local school system and know the curriculum. We also know how math is being taught. We take the time to understand how each child learns best, and help relate what is being taught in a way each student can understand.
    • We ensure children have a solid foundation by identifying gaps, your child’s learning needs, meet them where they are, and take them where they need to go.
      More often than not, students get frustrated in math because they failed to master a fundamental concept or can’t grasp how the current topic is being taught. We assess the situation and build a unique path for each student.
    • We provide personal attention to each student.  We work one-on-one with every student and keep any group learning to very small groups.
    • We’ll teach each student how to approach homework and avoid frustration. 
      Learning how to learn is often the key to success. We teach our students how to approach their homework so it doesn’t become overwhelming or frustrating.
  • Fun Fact:  Amy’s paternal grandparents were from Canton, China.   Her grandmother had a giant turtle that the kids would ride.

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